On 5/14/2021, the CFPB published a set of 5 new TRID FAQs on their website. These FAQs relate to housing assistance loans and are the first TRID FAQs to be released in nearly a year. The new TRID FAQs answer the following questions:

  • Are housing assistance loans covered by the TRID rule?

  • What are the criteria for the Regulation Z Partial Exemption from the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure requirements?

  • What are the criteria for the BUILD Act Partial Exemption from the Loan Estimate and closing Disclosure requirements?

  • If a creditor opts for one of the partial exemptions, from which disclosure requirements is the transaction exempt?

  • Can a creditor provide the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure for a loan that qualifies for the BUILD Act Partial Exemption?

The CFPB FAQs can be found here.

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