All in Fair Lending

On 10/22/21, the CFPB announced that it, along with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and OCC, took action to put an end to alleged redlining by Trustmark National Bank. The CFPB and DOJ allege that Trustmark discriminated against Black and Hispanic neighborhoods by deliberately not marketing, offering, or originating home loans to consumers in majority-Black and Hispanic neighborhoods in the Memphis metropolitan area. The CFPB and DOJ also allege that Trustmark discouraged consumers residing in or seeking credit for properties located in these neighborhoods from applying for credit.

On 8/30/2021, the OCC and Department of Justice (DOJ) jointly announced an agreement to resolve allegations that Cadence Bank, which is headquartered in Atlanta, engaged in lending discrimination by “redlining” predominantly Black and Hispanic neighborhoods in the Houston, metro area. Under the department’s settlement, Cadence will invest over $5.5 million to increase credit opportunities for residents of those neighborhoods. In conjunction with this announcement, the OCC also announced that it has assessed penalties against the bank in the amount of $3 million related to the violations alleged in the department’s complaint.

On 8/5/2021, the OCC issued Bulletin 2021-35 to inform national banks, federal savings associations, and other applicable branches/organizations of the appropriate names and addresses for certain notices. Specifically, the Bulletin provides the current addresses needed on notices/posters required by the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the Fair Housing Act. Banks should make the appropriate changes to their notices and posters, if necessary, within 90 days of this bulletin’s date of issuance.

On 7/1/2021, the Federal Housing Finance Agency issued a policy statement on Fair Lending to communicate the agency's general position on monitoring and information gathering, supervisory examinations, and administrative enforcement related to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act. The FHFA is also soliciting comments on its application.

VIDEO: Reg B GMI on Refinance

In this Compliance Clip, Adam takes a deep dive into the world of government monitoring information (GMI) under Regulation B. If your financial institution recently became exempt from HMDA and you now collect GMI only under Regulation B - or maybe you have always been a Reg B bank - then you will want to check out this video. Basically, Adam answers the long-asked question of: Is GMI required under Reg B on a loan that is refinancing a loan that was not purchase money?

On 4/20/21, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that wass charging an owner of a six-bedroom rental home in Frisco, Texas, with violating the Fair Housing Act by refusing to rent to a woman and her ten children. HUD’s charge alleges that the owner stated that he could not rent the home to a family with eleven people, even though the mother, a HUD Housing Choice Voucher recipient, was qualified to rent the home.